Old Favorites

Bears hibernate in Winter; I choose to hibernate for a week or two now in the Springtime.
Yes, I plan to step away from making blog postings for a while.
I feel depleted and need to refresh my soul.
It occurs to me that readers might want to be aware of a few of my favorite postings from the past. So I browsed through my Dirty Old Man Goes Bad series of books and picked out some of my favorites. You can find them in my blog archives on the sidebar; just click on the month and year and scroll down to the right date and title.
Here are a few links to entries that I particularly like:
2005—A Dirty Old Man Goes Bad—2005
Everything I Know About Prayer, I Learned From My Dog—June 2, 2005
Up The Creek Without A String Trimmer—July 9, 2005
Tits, Tobacco: An Odd Occurrence—July 30, 2005
Is There Intelligent Life At The Smithsonian?—August 20. 2005
Chugging Along With Joy—November 21, 2005
2006—A Dirty Old Man Gets Worse—2006
I've Been Thinking About Scruffy--January 13, 2006
A Living Saint---January 25, 2006
The Lord God Almighty and His Duck Matilda—May 31, 2006
Medical Ping Pong—June 9, 2006
America’s Two Greatest Writers—June 30, 2006
Thinking Inside The Fox-- August 10, 2006
Brains In A Blender—August 30, 2006
Lost Treasure—September 6, 2006
The Funniest Blog I Ever Wrote—September 23, 2006
2007—A Dirty Old Man Stumbles On—2007
Wheels: Does God Like Me Better Than He Likes You?—April 21, 2007
The Bible Drove My Computer Crazy—May 30, 2007
Double Trouble With Samuel Ward—July 27, 2007
John Cowart, King Of The Geriatric Geeks—August 12, 2007
Why Am I Troubled?—September 20, 2007
2008—A Dirty Old Man Sinks Lower—2008
The Nails Were Too Short—April 2, 2008
Lord Of The Normal—April 28, 2008
I’m Up And…--June 24, 2008
Thoughts On Lost Files—June 26, 2008
Where The Worm Never Dies—July 16, 2008
Sex Photo—July 31, 2008
Buffalo Bill In Jacksonville—August 30, 2008
Disaster Psychology—September 10, 2008
Hit—October 1, 2008
Well, I’ve had fun looking over my sordid past; I’d forgotten that I wrote some of this stuff. It’s not terrible.
Anyhow, now I intend to take a week or two off from writing postings. I intend to sit under my awning by the fig tree, watch the birds feed, listen to the fountain, look over work that needs doing, think, pray, and recharge my batteries.
I want to step away for a bit.
While I step away for a while, try browsing in my archives on the sidebar—or better yet, check out my online book catalog at www.bluefishbooks.info and think about buying one of my books. I’d like that.

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 12:46 PM

Enjoy your hibernation! I will miss your humor. But I will check out your archives for what I am sure will be great laughs.
BTW, I'm not really sure what happened to spring here. I saw snow in downtown Atlanta today...in April. I don't think I've ever seen snow in Ga in April. But hopefully spring will come back soon!
May your time of stepping away be filled with God's affirmation: He seeks our devotion to Him and each other- no more, no less.
Happy hybernation.
Dear John C,
Be blessed under your fig tree.
I know one who's seeing you there too.
From Felisol
i think we all need some hibernation every once in awhile. i hope you enjoy yours. :)
Catch you on the flip side.
We'll be in exotic Georgia this week.
Dear John C,
just checking in on you.
Praying a short prayer for the two of you while I am here.
From Felisol
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