Preparing to surface
При расточительном дворе Короля Солнца, Луи XIV из Франции, развернулась бурная светская деятельность вокруг…сидений.
Those are the opening words of the Russian translation of my profile of Madam Guyon, a chapter from my book Strangers On The Earth. Maria and Kent, e-friends in the Ukraine, are preparing this translation and have sent me various questions about it.
In English that opening sentence reads: “In the lavish court of the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, elaborate social activity revolved around... chairs”.
My profile of Madam Guyon can be found online at .
Responding to Maria and Kent’s e-mail is the most active thing I’ve done recently; this cold just knocked all my props out. It’s been all I can do to read a murder mystery. Most of the past ten days has been spent in a stupor… I mean more of a stupor than usual.
Ginny returned to work yesterday but she’s not really up 100 % yet either..
I feel like a bear just waking out of hibernation, or a submarine preparing to surface from the deep green cold depths.
The world is out there waiting for me.
Do I really want to face it?
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 5:58 AM

Dear John C,
Illness takes time.
I have been fighting three weeks with this flue, but now I'm climbing Jacob's ladder once more.
Today I read about your story of
Saint Patrick.
Wonderfully and so rightly written.
Coming from protestant Norway I first met with St.Patrick in Ireland 1981.
I'll never forget how eager the Irish I met talked about their Saint.
How he took a tiny Shamrock explaining the Holy trinity.
Three leaves making one.
We were sitting in St. Steven's Green, and I felt as if Saint Patrick had been there only yesterday.
I bought a copy of Saint Patrick's breastplate and carried with me for years.
So other thing came and took its place.
Your article was a fine reminder of something once important to me.
From Felisol
John, this has been a real doozy of a cold. Don't you cough on me now!
I think you are wise to re-enter the world slowly and gingerly. Take good care of yourself, and Ginny too.
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