Out Sick For A Week
Last Sunday I fell sick with the worst cold of my life. Only now am I beginning to come out of it. Wednesday, Ginny fell sick with the same cold; she’s still down.
Tuesday the United Stated inaugurated Barack Obama as our 44th President; Tuesday also, my proof pages arrived from the printer. I felt too sick to pay much attention to either event. The manuscript box still lies unopened on my desk. I don’t have the energy to face it.
I dosed off and on during the inauguration ceremonies, parade and balls on tv, but I could hardly take it all in. I think the tv commentators slight the man in their constant references to his being black as though that were the only noteworthy thing about him.
God bless him. He’s got a tough row to hoe.
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posted by John Cowart @ 7:36 AM

John, I'm really sorry to hear you and Ginny are unwell. Please rest up and take care of yourselves. Get well soon.
Get well soon John and Ginny
Dear John C,
Get well soon to the both of you.
I know it takes time though. Am not still restored from the flue started
January 6th.
I even had taken a flue shot before Christmas.
Hope you will regain your health and good spirit much sooner.
Your new president seems to be a tough guy, capable of meeting huge challenges.
Why is it that he is said to be black, when he had a white mother, and was raised "white"?
I am just a wondering fool.
Color should not be an issue at all.
Who you are and what you are stand for must be of importance....I think.
I'd like to hear more about your "baby" book.
Hope it turns out the way you intended to.
From Felisol
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