A Preview Of Coming Events
My son Donald tells me that processing the film we made last week will take another few days. Even before this one is ready to post on You-Tube, we are discussing other movie possibilities…
Given my love for 1950s era science Fiction films, and my bent toward matters of faith, perhaps we’ll produce something like this:

Ginny and I visited Dr. Oz, my oncologist, yesterday.
My PSA reading is up to 9.
Dr. Oz gave me some disturbing news: my prostate cancer is not likely to kill me for another ten years. I thought it was more efficient than that.
It’s like going to the dean’s office expecting to graduate and being told you don’t have enough credits so you have to take another ten classes.
Nice to stay a college student, but you really expected to graduate.
O goodie/ O damn!
My train does not leave for hours yet.
Does this mean I have to unpack my bags?
Lots of stuff to re think.
Last night, Ginny said the nicest thing to me.
She said, “You are the most sanest man in the world”.
Her words surprised me; I treasure them.
I treasure her.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:52 AM

You are both truly blessed, in having each other.
It must feel odd, having the issue of your prostate cancer hanging over you, yet not in any sort of imminent way. So you simply go on living and loving and practising your faith .... such a wonderful way to approach it.
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