A Peaceful Day In A War Zone
With the family dispersed here and there all over the state celebrating Thanksgiving on their own, Ginny and I enjoyed the empty nest syndrome—a reward for parents who’ve successfully raised children to productive, independent adulthood.
We slept late, watched parades on tv (saw Mark’s mom & dad riding their Arabian horses in the Detroit parade) and we ate a simple and simply wonderful feast of Thanksgiving. Then Ginny snuggled in the crook of my arm with her head nestled on my shoulder and we napped with the white noise of an uninteresting tv football game in the background.
To round off a perfect day we watched a biographical profile about Jimmy Stewart’s Wonderful Life.
Such Christmas shopping as we can do has already been done— just as well because repairing the house’s heater/air conditioner system last week wiped out all our discretionary funds. You cain’t give what you ain’t got. We can live with that.
But, while our idyllic day flowed with peace, in Mumbai, India, a city of 18 million people which used to be named Bombay, terrorist strike teams attacked ten hotels, a synagogue, and various other undefended sites. They killed at least 120 people.
Only sketchy news comes from India right now, but when I heard of the atrocity, my first thought was of Amrita, an e-friend who lives in northern India away from the war zone. Her blog is at http://yesugarden.blogspot.com/ ;she reports events closer to the source.
For the world, this has been a day of mayhem, turmoil, blood, and gunfire; for us it has been a day of quiet, happy peace rooted in Christ…
I wish the world had what we have.
Poor world.
Poor, poor world.
Of course there’s no reason for me to feel smug just because I’ve enjoyed a cozy day. The Lord does grant His servants in life’s battles days of R&R, but we remain in combat with evil both internal (as witness my postings last week) and external.
The day before Thanksgiving some workers here in Jacksonville lost their jobs abruptly. The company they worked for lost a contract; but the workers did not know this until Wednesday afternoon when a supervisor came around the job site, collected their tools, announced their firing, and left without giving them their final paychecks.
This tragedy may not rank up there with the attacks in India but it has the same source. The devil, though defeated, his head crushed by Christ’s heel, yet rages in his scorched-earth retreat to the place he belongs.
Thinking about my own spiritual warfare and about the awful news from India and such evil in the local workplace, I also think in terms of evangelism—and how little I do of it. How shall they believe without a messenger to tell them of Christ’s love?
But, I am what I am. At this moment a man at peace, but with a sense of responsibility and a modicum of caring.
Lord, help me to do what I can, where I am, with what I have.
On some level, I do love You.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 7:09 AM

Dear John C,
The text goes somewhat different in Norwegian. "You are the letters of Christ, known and read by all men."
I think that's exactly what you are- and to a minor extent also what I am.
I haven't cried it from the mountains, but all my former colleagues, relatives and friends know of my belief in Christ.
(They also are familiar with all my shortcomings.)
That's the letter I am; known and read.
I like to think that little children also can make a difference.
" Chor 3:1Are we beginning to (A)commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, (B)letters of commendation to you or from you?
2(C)You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men;
3being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, (D)cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of (E)the living God, not on (F)tablets of stone but on (G)tablets of (H)human hearts. "
From Felisol
Thank God the 60 hour battle was over on Sat. morning. it was so emotionally draining.
Today our cable network is off, so its a nice break...the govt. channels are not so good.
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