Meeting Our New Niece & Nephew
My blog has been down for two days because of a log jam; this morning, Donald went into the server and removed old log files and republished. He solved the problem. Thanks Donald!
Sunday for the first time Ginny and I met the two kids (Sabrina, age 7, and Rob, 5) which Ginny’s brother, Mark, and his wife, Becky, are adopting.
I see my roll as an uncle as being the guy who teaches kids the neat stuff their new parents would never teach them.
Alas, that was not to be.
I brought along a pipe shaped like a horse head so I could show the kids how to smoke—and that if the bowl of the pipe is the horse’s head, then what part of the horse is at the puffing end?
Becky, the new mother, was not amused.
I think she’s over-protective.
Why she even covered their ears when I tried to teach the kids the words to a grand old hymn of the church (well, it ought to be).
Since the kids were not allowed to hear me sing, perhaps someday they can read the lovely lyrics in this diary; I’d hate for these kids to grow up culturally deprived—.
Cigarettes and whisky,
And wild wild women,
They’ll drive you crazy,
They’ll drive you insane.
Cigarettes and whisky,
And wild wild women,
They’ll rot out your innards,
And coddle your brain.
Becky said it’s a good thing they live five states away; Ginny agreed.
I think I’d make a great uncle.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 1:14 PM

Good Heavens...Uncle John
I think you'd make a great uncle too
Dear John C,
I think you are a good uncle.
Eh, how old did you say the kids were?
Things that are ruining the kids are quite different. Values, ethics e.t.c.
A good laugh and some humor never spoiled anyone, as long as it's not done to mock the kids. I know for sure you would never do that. Keep on being you, John C.
from Felisol
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