Fast Cash
A Quick Post Between Lightening Strikes before I have to unplug the computer again:
Yes, another storm rages outside here in Jacksonville at 4:30 this morning, so I’ll quickly record two things:
Maybe, with all the rain recently, I should title this post after the old song, Pennies From Heaven... “Every time it rains, it rains pennies from Heaven”.
Looks like that recently:
Over the past few days $1,160 came into our hands from five different and unexpected sources. The givers stipulate that Ginny and I are to use this God-send for our anniversary next month.
Strange. We didn’t even pray for extra cash. It must have been the Lord’s idea through the hearts of good people who care about us.
I’m humbled.
Last week my friend Wes and I had a long talk about prayer; he pointed out several factors I’d never thought of before… but, I need to be quick here. I’ll get to that discussion some other time.
My point is that I am very thankful to the people who gave us these gifts.
My second point also involves money.
Ginny works for a semi-charitable agency involved in feeding hungry children and providing help for needy families. Yesterday, because of her attention to detail, she recovered $750,000 which would otherwise have been lost to the children.
Yes, that’s three quarters of a million dollars that had fallen through the cracks until she initiated its recovery. She’s as delighted as if the money had come to her personally.
Although she did say, “Instead of my salary, I wish they’d pay me a percentage of what I re-coop. We’d be rich”.
Know what?
We already are.
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:56 AM

I'm very glad you are now in abundance. :)
God is truly Awesome!
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