Rainy Days
At places in Jacksonville, the rain fell at a rate of two inches per hour. Many streets are flooded and underground water pressure buckles the pavement.
Ginny stayed home from work only at my insistence; she actually intended to go in although the radio urges people to stay off the roads.
We saw Helen for breakfast. She goes in for her surgery today (Thursday). On our way back we encountered a man whose car was stuck in a mud ditch beside the road. Helen circled back to help him out. She and I were going to try to push his car but as we stood there puzzling out how to do it, a truck load of good ol boys screeched to a halt beside us.
These five guys clambered out with boards and ropes and pry-bars. They hooked cable to the disabled car, stopped traffic on the road, and yanked the car out of deep mud.
As they were doing this, Helen and I got back in her car and drove away laughing.
I’m sure the five Good Samaritans had stopped thinking that it was Helen’s car that was stuck in the ditch.
The moral of this lesson is that if you’re ever stuck in a deep mud ditch and you want young men to spring to your aid, it pays to have a pretty girl along.
Ginny, Helen and I spent several hours hanging out and talking about computers, art, family and spiritual matters.
Because of the rain, thunder and lightening, I had shut down and unplugged our computers. I don’t trust my files to a $9.95 surge protector made in China and painted with lead paint. I unplug whenever there is lightening danger.
Florida is the lightening capital of the world. More people are killed by lightening strikes here than anyplace else.
It is still sprinkling rain outside.
A tropical system is forming just south of us and it is expected to bring even more rain; so, I just snapped this photo in our backyard…. Well, if there’s much more rain, I could have!
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:46 AM

What is the percentage of people in Florida killed by lightning that have a golf club in their hands at the time?
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