A Perfect Occasion To Sin
Obviously I posted that Dore engraving of Noah’s Flood too soon; there was more rain yesterday and yet more forecast for today and through the weekend.
I posted the engraving as a joke. Turns out it may not be so funny after all.
Helen’s operation Thursday appears successful. She’s back home and complaining about being hungry so I assume she’d doing well.
Because of thunderstorms and lightening strikes, I unplugged my computer most of yesterday. During the time it was up and running I browsed bikini girls sites knowing full well that there were better uses of my time.
I have virtually everything I need to write my history of firefighting in Jacksonville, yet I’m reluctant to get on with the task.
Back in 1986, I wrote some magazine articles and a similar history of the Jacksonville Fire Department for the Jacksonville Fire Museum. It was a rushed job (their rush, not mine) and I’ve wanted to expand and update if for years.
Essentially the book I envision is a chronological history of my hometown told from the standpoint of how many times the place has burned down. By moving from disaster to disaster and showing what led up to the crisis, then showing the city’s recovery in the aftermath, I’ll be presenting a coherent history of the city.
That’s my plan, anyhow.
But, I’m reluctant to get on with the project.
I just don’t have the spirit for it.
Maybe my problem is just the rainy, dreary days recently. Maybe, I did not give myself a break between formatting Barbara White’s books and resuming work on the fire history. Maybe I’m just a lazy lout.
I’ve noticed in the cycle of my own spiritual life that immediately after some triumph (and getting Barbara’s Along The Way books edited is certainly a major triumph) but after any triumph, I’m inclined to fall into sin.
This is strange because after any defeat, I’m inclined to fall into sin.
Then on perfectly normal days when there is no outstanding triumph nor suffocating defeat, I’m inclined to fall into sin on those days too.
I’m a consistent dirty old man.
Fair weather, bad weather, Winter storms or Spring breezes, spiritual triumphs or ignominious defeats, I can fine some reason to justify doing things I know good and well that I ought not to do.
Isn’t that shocking?
I must be the only Christian in the world to act that way.
Oh well, Someone said that those who are whole do not need a physician.
The rest of us need a Savior.
In fact, I often wonder if we use the wrong terminology when we say we are saved, I wonder if it might be better worded to say that we are being saved.
Anyhow, Christ our Savior came to earth and died and rose from death for lazy louts, dirty old men, apathetic sophisticates, indifferent almost-intellectuals, and us normal degenerates.
His glory shines brighter than cloud to ground lightening.
He sets His rainbow in the clouds after the storms.
And He shall reign forever and ever.
But, until He comes in glory, I really need to get this fire history written… Although I rather doubt if He’ll question me about my progress on this book if He comes again before I finish writing it.
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posted by John Cowart @ 9:19 AM

I offer this verse of a song. I frequently use it as a prayer when my "saved" becomes "being saved."
Oh, to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be/ Let thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to thee/ Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it/ Prone to leave the God I love/ Here's my heart, Lord, take a seal it/ Seal it for thy courts above."
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