Unnecessary upset
Turns out that yesterday I got all upset over nothing.
That happens all too often.
Returning to the bank did not consume all of my dayor cost me exta money. When I went in, the banker immediately saw the mistake the bank had made and fired off an e-mail correcting it.
Problem solved.
Took three minutes.
All my fussing and fuming and worry were all over a trifle.
Do you know how often that happens?
Just about every time I get upset.
You’d think I’d have learned by now. But, No. I rave and rant and cuss and fuss and make myself and everyone around me miserable, while God just sits there in Heaven watching, calm as can be, not excited at all, apparently not realizing that we have a 4-alarm panic situation down here!!!
And you know what?
Turns out He's right every time.
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posted by John Cowart @ 6:13 AM

John, my wife the other day calls me at work in a panic cause she can't find the keys to the mailbox. She claimed I was the last person to have them. About an hour later she called to tell me she found them in her purse. Figures.
Know what you mean. My wife sneaks my glasses off to work with her then somehow manages to put them back on my desk without even coming home... How does she do that?
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