Not Much To Say
After delivering our busted pool pump to the electric motor shop, Ginny and I spent much of the rest of the day Friday at Dr. Woody’s office where he ran another test.
My prostate cancer still thrives. While in general, such cancers are slow-growing, mine proves to be a robust little bastard.
Hanging around a doctor’s office debilitates us. After a late lunch, we crashed then spent the evening watching a happy old video, Harvey staring Jimmy Stewart.
A phrase from one of the Psalms says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength”.
What a curious turn of expression.
It’s not my joy in the Lord, because that varies from day to day, waxing or waning according to circumstances; but it is the Lord’s joy that gives us strength—the knowledge that our loving Lord is happy with the way He sees all creation turning out in the long-run.
On the last day of creation, I think it will be as it was on the first, “And God saw that it was good”.
Yes, in spite of all that sin has screwed up in the world, in spite of all mankind has done, in spite of all individuals have done, in spite of all that I have done, He who sees the end from the beginning, the first and the last, He takes pleasure in the work of His hands and is satisfied.
And if He is satisfied, who ain’t?
If He is happy with the eventual outcome, what have I to fear?
All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.
The Lord’s joy is my strength.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:57 AM

I'm sorry that your prostate cancer is not behaving itself; not being appropriately submissive.
I'm glad you are able to enjoy being with Ginny, watching an old movie, and trusting in your faith.
Dear John C,
Sad about your prostate cancer.
My dad had prostate|c too, but died last year, struggling 4 years after a severe brain hemorrhage.
There are radical cures for p.c., but doctors are not so keen on using them.
As if life itself is not a wonderful quality.
After the big C diagnose nothing is normal anymore. I think you yourself should be informed about your options and make your own decisions.
Anyway, now that I know what your are struggling with, I've put you on may prayer list.
I have a long plastic rosary, which I use to remember all the people I am praying for. (No Ave Marias, I'm afraid, but one Lord's prayer at first.)
Now I have to go three turns around the rosary beds to mention every "prayerchild".
I've started praying for John C just now.
Hopefully you'll enjoy this very Sunday and let the joy in our Lord remain your strength.
From Felisol
Thanks for your concern about my prostate cancer. Back on March 30, 2007, I wrote about how I seek God's will concerning treatment options. Ginny and I feel happy and content about my decision.
Disease may end my life; but it will not control it. The Lord's hand overrules all and I'm pleased to leave it with Him.
Dear John C,
you are a wise man.
From Felisol
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