My Workaday World
In a sense, for the past couple of weeks I could have gotten by repeating a single journal entry—yes, my days recently have had that much sameness to them:
Got up at 3 a.m. Posted journal entry. Worked on fire history book. Shaved and showered at 4 p.m. before Ginny got home from work. Started dinner. Worked on history book till 10 p.m. Watched news on tv.
That’s my exciting life.
I like it.
Ginny says I’d make a great troll in a cave.
Of course this summary misses the frustration of the fire history book. Drives me nuts!!! For years I’ve gathered materials for a history of our fire department—which is actually a history of Jacksonville told from the viewpoint of how many times the place has burned down… or would have without firefighters.
All this mass of materials, over 2,000 pages of it, I’m condensing into a 300-page book. But it all comes in different formats, different sized photos, different formatting, different section breaks, different formatting for scores of footnotes, different headers and footers, different pagination, different sized fonts—
And I’m trying to make a consistent whole of this mess—while my computer system thinks it should make helpful auto-changes without bothering to tell me!
Thus I see my life as a miniature model of the cosmos—the sort of thing God deals with all the time… Only He does it with hundreds of millions of people’s lives..
Good thing He loves what He’s doing.
Well, back to my manuscript…the little box on the monitor is flashing ...
What's a vindictive font with 12-pt kern?... Or maybe that's a veranda font???
Oh, here’s a joke:
Two fonts go into a bar to order a beer.
Immediately the irate bartender starts yelling, “Get Out! Get Out! This is a nice place. We don’t serve your type in here.”
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 4:14 AM

I can't even imagine trying to write a book. I'm flat out writing a blog post - and even then I only manage that once a week or so.
You must be a lot more patient than you admit!
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