Treasured Photographs

Ginny’s family snaps photographs.
Lots of photographs.
At a gathering earlier this year, a group of shutterbugs on one side of the room took photos of a similar group on the other side of the room:
This addiction to photography spans generations.

Back in June, 2001, Ginny’s younger brother (she has a sister and five brothers) her younger brother Danny, a computer whiz, undertook the massive project of scanning in and captioning hundreds of these old family photographs.

This young couple, Ginny’s parents, lived in happy marriage for 65 years:

Ginny’s parents lived in the same house for over 50 years, taking photos the whole time.
Trunks of old photographs gather dust in the attic. Albums of photographs line the bookshelves. Cardboard boxes of photographs stack up in closets.
Can you see Ginny in this next one?
She’s the cute baby:

For six years Danny gathered these old photographs, sorted them, identified the subjects, and scanned them into his computer.
Yesterday, Tuesday, a packaged arrived in our mailbox. It contained a computer disc filled with the results of Danny’s labor — scores and scores and scores of old family photographs.
What a treasure!
Seeing such a record of family history helps me understand why those tedious-to-read long lists of genealogy and begats were so important to the biblical writers.
There are happy things to remember about our forbearers:

And sad things too; here’s Ginny’s Dad during World War II:

Notice his cigarette! This is the same guy who did not want me smoking within 30 yards of the house!
My own family does not have such a photo archive. In fact, once when my mother was pissed at me, she tore up every photo she had of me and ripped me out of any group photo she owned… I forget why she was so unhappy with me that particular time.
The disc Danny prepared chronicles his family from practically the time photography was invented, from baby Roy :

To the two newest babies born:
Somebody needs to buy these kids a camera!
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:17 AM

I worked on this post since 3 a.m. but when Ginny got up at 6:15, she informs me that those last two photos are of the same baby!
Hey, all babies look the same to me. Sorry for the mixup. My fault.
It pays to label your photos. When my grown children look at old baby pix, No matter who it may really be, I always say, "That's you as a baby".
Who knows any different?
Oh how I love classic photos!
Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard at your comment about the babies being one in the same! I never would have known!
What a great archive - we're a picture taking bunch around here too, but my favorites are the moldy oldies - where I try to figure out who passed down this awful head of hair I inherited!
I love these photos. After my dad died a few years ago, I brought home the family photos to go through and share with my brothers. There were some beautiful treasures in there, so many from the same era you've just shown. What wonderful keepsakes!
Tee hee - seen one baby, seen em all, eh?!
Ginny is very lucky to have such wonderful family photos... I love old photos and could look at them for hours. Thank for showing us these ones!
i love old black and white photos have been sorting out ours too.
Really nice post
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