A Great Rainy Day
Saturday, Tropical Storm Barry dropped about four inches of rain breaking a 16-month-long drought here in Jacksonville.
It rained all day.
The frogs in the ditch behind our house sing praises.
The grass in our lawn lift up blades in thanksgiving.
The trees of the forest and herbs of the field join in thanking their Creator for hearing their prayer and breaking the drought.
With all this rain on the earth, soon our garden will break forth with thousands and thousands of … mosquitoes — and maybe a few flowers too.
Ginny and I didn’t even bother to dress. We lay long abed reading, talking, napping, loving, snuggling, praying, planning, relaxing, listening, hearing rain on the roof till late after noon.
We went out to Kosta’s for a giant salad then browsed in an antique store, then came home to lounge on the sofa watching back-to-back episodes of Dr. Who (Donald & Helen loaned us the whole first season on dvd; we’d never seen the program before).
A great day.
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posted by John Cowart @ 7:09 AM

Sounds like a perfect day.
We 're wishing for rain too. It was 46*
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