The Proof Of The Writing ...
Going over the proof pages of Gravedigger’s Christmas & Other Tales, I discovered 146 mistakes in only 230 pages.
I’ve got to learn to type someday!
Most of the mistakes fall in the category of misplaced comas (or is it commas?) and simple typos. But occasionally I made a dilly.
For instance, although I have been over this text many many times, in the proof pages I found a sentence beginning, “This morning as Ginny and I walked to the bus stop yesterday…”
Walking from this morning into yesterday is a pretty good trick.
Some words I consistently misspell or mistype.
It often comes out as Is or if. Almost every time I type the word from the letters read form. So becomes os even when I’m not writing about bones. Our and Out get mixed up all the time. Or becomes of. … Yet, words like Tertullian, Suetonius, Alexamenos, Thibiuca, and Dionysis get typed without error!
That means I pay attention to big things but let little things slip — and those little things change the meaning of everything.
Could there be some spiritual lesson for me here?
But the grueling task of proofreading the Christmas book nears completion. All that’s left is to re-check pagination and table of contents. Then the book will be ready for publication (at Hint. Hint.).
God willing, I’ll have it online Friday afternoon — unless I walk into yesterday again.
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posted by John Cowart @ 1:10 AM

There's something about proof-reading; it's always easier to spot someone else's mistakes than our own. Maybe there's a spiritual message there, too.
You know I type all day long, every other month, with my current job.
That being said, I almost always type form instead of from .
So is there a spiritual lesson here? I have no clue, but it's nice to know I'm not alone in the typo world.
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