Another Victory for Sin, Overeating & Sloth
Woke up at one o’clock Tuesday morning and since I couldn’t get back to sleep and didn’t feel like praying, I resumed proofreading the Civil War diary.
In the quite hours of the morning I struggled with words and punctuation — What in the world did he mean saying “to-night when a Muta has assumed full sway of the universe” — I have no idea in the world what a Muta is. I checked to see if it were a reference to a Greek or ancient Egyptian goddess because Whatley uses many classical allusions, but I came up empty.
I just have to make sure I accurately convey his words, not that they make sense.
About noon I finally finished proofreading and began making corrections for the PDF download.
That done at last, I celebrated my victory over this difficult project in a truly Christian fashion — I browsed naked ladies on the internet, over-ate with two tv dinners and a bowl of chocolate ice cream, started reading a new murder mystery, and took a nap.
Funny that I would chose to celebrate a minor triumph by giving in to any and all elements of my carnal nature. Am I the only Christian that does that sort of thing?
Even weirder is the fact that while I was doing all that, I also continued kicking around ideas about the word proof as it relates to the existence (or non-existence) of God. Back last week I said I wanted to think about those things a bit before writing about them; so, amateur theology bounced around in my head along with the bikini girls and chocolate ice cream.
Oh well, “unto the pure, all things are pure”; everybody else thinks like I do.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to blog about proof and God, but this morning I’m going to clean the pool.
Oh, I expect sample copies of the Civil War diary from the printer in a few days; I hope it turns out as well as I think. I think the book will really be beautiful.
Two people called asking for prayer:
One, a 17-year old girl with a malignant tumor the size of a watermelon; the other a lady undergoing exploratory surgery for possible colon cancer….
Sometimes I get so involved with my own little world of history and writing alone at my desk that I forget there is a real world of hurting, scared people out there.
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posted by John Cowart @ 9:28 AM

I don't think working for twelve hours (albeit from 1am to 1pm) is quite slothful.
In re: Internet porn. I decided the other day that my computer is really God's computer. That cured that.
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