Our Peaceable Kingdom

Friday, as I rested by the fountain while doing yard work, I heard a commotion; it sounded like….
It sounded like....
A duck fluttered squawking across the deck. Right on its tail, clawing at fleeing feathers followed a raccoon!
In blind terror the injured duck ran toward me. I stamped my foot. The raccoon saw me and retreated into a fern bed. The duck tried to hide under my chair.
Here’s a photo I took of the injured duck:
What is a raccoon doing attacking a duck? I’ve never heard of such a thing before; I thought coons ate frogs and crawdaddies -- and from our neighbor's garbage can which they put out without a lid.
Eve came over a few minutes later and I showed her the duck and the raccoon which continued lurking at the side of the house. As Eve and I talked, a mouse ran between us and right up the middle of the brick walkway.
Later, when Ginny came home, I took her out back to see the duck, and darn if the raccoon didn't come out and try to catch the duck again!
Then, as she and I sat by the fountain, we saw a dove perched on a branch of a cedar tree right outside our garden gate, a tree that had just been pruned by the tree crew Tuesday, when a hawk swooped down attacking the dove and stirring up a ruckus among the other birds around.
And here came the raccoon again after the duck!
What is going on here?
Usually the only wild animals we see in our yard are lizards.
After a pleasant dinner out, Ginny and I strolled in Memorial Park watching a full moon rise over the river creating a long path of shimmering light across the water. We could hear faint strands of music from a riverboat cruising close to the far shore.
Several other couples leaned smooching against the old concrete balustrade.
We joined them.
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:40 AM

Wow. You got a lot of action going on in your backyard. Poor ducky. I grew up with ducks so I have a soft spot for them. I hope that mean old raccoon is gone, and the duck is safe.
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