Family Support
While my name alone appears on the covers of the books I write, my family contributes as much to their production as I do.
They make my work possible with every level of support.
Recently I have been working on a manuscript about God’s leading and guiding us and how we find and follow the will of God. If I recall correctly, I began work on this book back in 1986, but I dropped it as too hard for me, and came back to it, several times. And quit work on it several times.
Not a good practice.
For one thing, over the years I used a bunch of different typefaces, and formats as I graduated from one computer to newer one.
For another thing, my notes stink.
I’ve forgotten what footnote goes with which quote and now I have to look references up all over again…. And why did I save this quote anyhow?
I drive me nuts.
Anybody know who Stoddard is, what book he wrote, and why I left a manuscript note to be sure to include his ideas from page 387 in my text?
Me neither.
Frustrating work to turn this rat’s nest of notes, quotes, and half-ideas into consistent book chapters. I knew so much more about the will of God 20 years ago than I do now. Lord, but I was cocksure of myself back then. I’m tempted to give the project up—again. But I know that if I give up again, I’ll never get this book written.
I’ve been stewing over the thing.
Then yesterday afternoon came a happy note from my son-in-law Mark. Without my knowing anything about it beforehand, Mark created an author’s profile in Wikipedia. He created dozens of links to my books so that I appear much more important than I am. Mark put a massive amount of work into promoting me and my books.
I’m tickled.
You can read Mark’s entry about me at : .
I have an encyclopedia entry. That tops a WANTED poster at the post office.
I’m somebody.
Thanks Mark.

In a similar vein, last week—purely out of vanity—I googled Bluefish Books, my online publishing company. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you can buy a clock, a coffee mug and a bunch of shirts with my Bluefish Logo on them:
I did not know that.
Never heard of it before.
How did that happen?
The stuff (gear?) can be viewed at
I imagine that Donald or Helen created this site; but I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning it to me. It came as a pleasant surprise to me to find this website—Although it will be a cold day, before I spend that much for a tee shirt!
—even one with my logo on it.
However, my point here is that my family is wonderful.
They are so kind to me.
They surprise me all the time in all kinds of ways.
I am blessed.
Thank You, Lord.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 4:57 AM

Wow, John. You make the Wiki.
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