Money Matters
Any day now a royalty check for my first quarter book sales should arrive.
We’ll be rich beyond our wildest dreams of avarice.
Well, almost.
At least we can afford groceries next week.
Anyhow, Ginny and I spent the morning planning how we will spend all this anticipated money.
When I walked her out to the car so she could drive to work, as she opened the car door, she struck a pose like one of the presenter girls on a tv game show.
She lifted her arms and proclaimed, “I am the David Copperfield of Finance! I can make cash disappear faster than anyone else on earth”!
I laughed till tears ran down my cheeks as she drove off.
That other magician, David Copperfield, only made the Statue of Liberty vanish. You can see a video of his stunt on You Tube.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 7:57 AM

A marriage in which you still make each other laugh until tears come is a wondrous marriage indeed.
Enjoy spending the gains from all your toil!
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