Quick Weekend Notes
During the violent storm Friday, a thief broke into our next-door neighbor’s home and stole some stuff.
Then on Saturday, a cedar tree in that neighbor’s front yard split and fell ripping out their electric, phone and tv cable lines as well as tearing some shingles off their roof.
Tough weekend for our neighbors.
Saturday night Ginny used her superior mechanical skills to repair our DVD player which stopped working during an episode of Ginny’s favorite program. She skinned her knuckles pounding the machine. We bought a new DVD Player on Sunday.
I printed and handed out some neighborhood watch flyers for Monday’s meeting.
Over the weekend also Donald bought a motorcycle, and Helen bought a motor scooter which will scoot faster than 90 mph!
I got to try out Helen’s scooter.
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:55 AM

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