Love’s Lament
Sunday, police arrested our youngest daughter and placed her in jail.
I do not know details, but apparently while driving, she hit another car then fled the scene of that minor accident only to be involved in a more serious accident a few miles down the road.
According to the on-line police report, no one was injured in either traffic incident.
She was driving without insurance and with a suspended drivers license.
Monday she goes before a judge for her initial hearing.
When she called me collect from jail she was concerned about loosing the job she just started last week. Her car rolled over three times in the second accident and is now a total unrepairable wreck.
Someone will need to feed her cats while she’s in jail for however long. When other family members went over to her house to see about the cats, they found empty aerosol containers indicating to us that inhalants may be involved in what’s going on in her life.
Last night, as we brooded long over this latest episode, Ginny quoted a sad Scripture to me; when Jesus stood on a hill overlooking the city, He said,:
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killeth the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen doth gather her chicks under her wings — but ye would not!
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:49 AM

John, I'm sorry. You must be sick with worry.
Thinking of you & Ginny,
A life out of control in any form is so sad. If only we could hug those we love into changing destructive habits....we would wrap our collective arms around them constantly.
Praying for all of you - and believing in the power an awesome God.
i'll be praying for you all
You and Ginny are going through a tough time. I'm thinking of you two - it can't be easy.
Whoops! That was me (anonymous). Hang in there, John.
I checked out the site. Really cool stuff. I also spent a few minutes on their blog.
Thanks for sharing.
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